5km run in full Community First Responder kit

I’ve volunteered as a Community First Responder for South Central Ambulance Service for 2 1/2 years, part of the Newport Pagnell & Olney Team. As well as responding to 999 calls ahead of an Ambulance, I’ve also provided first aid cover at many of Newport’s events during this time. We attend cardiac arrests, heart attacks, seizures and strokes, through to non injury falls, often first on scene as we are living in the local community.

After spending a month carrying a weight around Green Park in January (My 4x4x48 for South Central Ambulance Charity) for my next challenge I’m running in the Carnivals 5km in full uniform, boots & with my 15kg responder pack, to raise funds for South Central Ambulance Charity. Community First Responders and other volunteers are all funded by the charity, not the NHS & funding pays for our training, uniforms, equipment, dynamic response vehicles and more.

Look out for my special race number on the day & I’ll see you at the Carnival

If you’d like to donate or share with a friend, here’s my fundraising link – over £1000 for communities raised so far https://www.justgiving.com/page/james-mackeddie-sca-charity-walkand4x4x48-2024